Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Trump and Parades

What Americans celebrate

What dictators celebrate


    Again,  I am amazed by what Trump—a genius with a great brain—does not know.
    His planned Fourth of July extravaganza is designed, in his words, to display “the strongest and most advanced military anywhere in the world.”
    If he had an inkling of what the holiday commemorates, he’d understand that we are celebrating our declaration of independence from, and the eventual victory over, the strongest and most advanced military in the world at the time.
We did so by uniting in a common cause and standing for something other than self-gratification. In fact, Americans have always seen our shared values as being our strength against nations that promote their military and offer little else.
That movement was led by statesmen who understood it wasn’t about them, and it was promoted by a free press that brought the words of the Declaration of Independence into every household.
Who doesn’t love a good parade?
However, who doesn’t—except our president—understand that military might is not what makes us strong?
    Happy Fourth of July.

What a show-boater who doesn't get it, does