I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“It wasn’t our
fault,” said the gun lobby
We’re only
protecting an American hobby
‘Sides, guns
don’t kill people, people do
If you’re
looking to place blame, maybe it was you
Amendment says guns are a right
You know
you’d want one in a fight
So don’t you
come looking for me
Cause I’m
armed to the gills, as you can see
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“Not me,”
said the political strategist
Times are
‘a-changin’, I’m just a catalyst
I take polls
and line up venues
flights and finalize menus
I make ads,
and yes, some get nasty
I gotta be
tough. I ain’t no patsy I don’t want to hear ‘bout no dirty tricks
Those Democrats can also be pricks
Who killed the GOP?
I dunno. It wasn’t me.
“It wasn’t
me,” said the global warming denier
freezing outside, so now whose the liar
Those bergs have been around a million years
Now that they’re gone, I’ll shed no tears
Sure, some were big and some were greater
They were all bound to melt, sooner or later
God gave us the world and said go use it
He never said nothing ‘bout not abusin’ it
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“It wasn’t me,” said the pious evangelical
Why must everyone be so cynical
When I see a wrong in my line of sight
It’s my duty to speak out and make it right
The world’s not perfect, so it’s my job
To make heathens listen to the word of God
The end is coming and it’s coming soon
Everybody better start singing my tune
Who killed the GOP?
I dunno. It wasn’t me.
“It wasn’t
me,” said the strict Constitutionalist
Looking at
his list of people-to-take-down-to-do list
We’ve got laws to uphold, and goals to meet
Getting rid of slackers would make them easier to keep
Don’t give me that shit ‘bout the times ‘a-changin’
It’s there in black and white, that’s all I’m saying
The forefathers, they were quite explicit
Read the Constitution, but don’t dare dis it
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“Not me,”
said the billionaire
With the
flaming mop of orange hair Some say suckers are born every minute
My jobs to show ‘em a new way to spin it
Tell him and show him what he wants to see
Any of you would do it, might as well be me
Don’t call me a pathological liar
I’m just lighting a political fire
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
It wasn’t us
Capitalists, we just like money
We take to
it like bees to honey Everyone can be rich, that ain’t no secret
Just get a good job and work hard to keep it
If you can’t do that, and not all can
It doesn’t hurt if your dad’s an oil man
It isn’t money that brought down the party
It’s those Harvard elites and other smarties
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
It wasn’t us
Conservatives, that’s for sure
We don’t
even know what we’re against or for We do know that we like the past
Sure wish those days could have last-ed
Can’t a man dream of bygone days and days of yore
Of times when twenty was recorded as a score
Liberals are always on the go
While we kind of like the status quo
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“It wasn’t
us,” said the Tea Party idealists
patriots, we never said we were realists
Maybe we’re old school, but we’re no dinos
We’re just tired of dealing with RINOs
Someone stole the government and we can’t find it
Sure, everyone hates our butt, but we don’t mind it
We didn’t turn the world turvy-topsy
So don’t put us in your fuckin’ autopsy
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“Don’t go
blaming me,” said the Obama hater
He was bound
to screw up sooner or later Maybe he’s a Kenyan, or maybe Hawaiian
If his lips are moving, I know he’s lying
He went to Libya, when he shouldn’t have
Didn’t go to Syria when he could have
All we ever wanted was to take him down
None of us can believe he’s still around
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“Not me,”
said the illegal Hispanic immigrant
In a country
this big, I barely leave a fingerprint Blame me for this, blame me for that
All I wanted was a place to hang my hat
I do the dirty jobs and clean your pools
Amigo! I’ve been to college, I ain’t no fool
Estamos en un lugar duro (We are in a tough spot)
Pero no somos asesinos (But we are not killers)
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.
“It wasn’t
us,” said the primary voters
We’re just a
bunch of daydreamers and hopers We wanted someone to speak to our fears
To sooth our pain and wipe away our tears
We didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt
We like the Party, just not the jerks
That’s not true, I guess you realize
All we know is we sure can’t compromise
Who killed
the GOP?
I dunno. It
wasn’t me.On second thought, maybe we all share the blame
It doesn’t matter, we’re losing just the same.