It started with just a bubble and then another and another, suspended in space bumping but not breaking into each other and a hole here and there and then some more and the thing that you want to do more than anything else when you see them floating by is to link them up together because they seem like they belong together and it also seems like it is your job to bring them together; but how, that is the question, and it turns out, anyway you can is the answer and once you know that this is the answer it’s not so hard and you get right to it using tiny memory strings—strings made of what; ideas, I suppose, yes it could be ideas or it might be imagination or determination or inspiration or any damn
–ation under consideration but whatever they are and make no mistake about it they are real, they are strings of something and so you go about connecting this one to that and that one to this, this group to that bundle and this hole to that eyelet, to that gap, to that fissure and you step back to look at it and think to yourself, I just might have something here; and the truth is you do have something here that wasn’t here before, something that didn’t exist before you started putting all these units, these things, these tiny, little pieces together much in the way that a lifetime of events, experience, and interaction are neatly or unneatly; cautiously, hazardously, or haphazardly; purposely or accidentally spliced together to create an existence—an entity, a special something that didn’t exist before but now is real.
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