In Hell on Earth, a love story, when I decided to have Louis D’Amato hide a stash of cocaine inside his wife’s vacuum cleaner, I didn’t know how believable the story would be. I was merely looking for something that would scare the hell out of Hank and cause him to move 3000 miles to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It wasn’t until the final days of production that I discovered this article.
I especially liked the part where authorities believed that the cocaine was hidden in the vacuum cleaner when it was being refurbished in Juarez, Mexico. When I absolutely, positively couldn’t bring myself to knock on another door to sell a vacuum cleaner, I began working in the back of the store refurbishing old machines. I guess it is just a sign of the times that now we even ship that crummy job out of country. Unbelievable.
That is quite the journey that cocaine made from Juarez to Wisconsin. Perhaps your next novel should be from the point of view of a vacuum bag full of cocaine that takes the journey of a lifetime.