But it is also about learning a bigger lesson: Fix problems when they are still fixable.
Time for Action
I have to admit when
Wright’s problems first surfaced, I concluded for myself that he was nothing
more than another crook who had used the system for his own personal gain. But then I read an article written by him for
Harper’s Magazine in 1967 and was
impressed by this quote.
“No facet of American
life cries our more loudly for reform than the dingy gray area of political
campaign financing, which casts a lengthening shadow across all else we do in
our elective political institutions…The price of campaigning has risen so high
that it actually imperils the integrity of our political institutions. Big contributors more and more hold the keys
to the gates of public service. This is
choking off the wellsprings of fresh, new thought and severely limiting the
field of choice available to the public…One curious by-product of big money in
politics is the slick, shallow public-relations approach with its nauseating
emphasis on ‘image’ at the expense of substance.”
After reading that quote,
I decided I might have been wrong. Maybe he was not so much a bad man who had
used the system, as he was a weak man who had let the system destroy him.
Keep in mind this quote
is from 1967.
Kennedy and Nixon spent a
total of $20-million in their 1960 campaign, one that was so close, probably every
nickel spent was necessary.
The 2012 presidential
election cost about $2.5-billion.
The 2016 presidential
spend-off is predicted to exceed five billion dollars with one billion coming
from just two guys. It is helpful to remember that actual expenditures in this
country for almost anything, almost always go beyond predictions.
At this rate, a
trillion-dollar election cannot be too far down the road. That’s a lot of
30-second ads, balloons, and yard signs—all for a job offering $400,000 and all
the abuse you can stand.
It should be clear to
everyone that all three branches of government have failed in their effort to
reform campaign spending. Reform has never been the goal; only getting an edge.
I don’t even know if it’s possible to stop this train wreck we call the
election process.
Maybe we shouldn’t even
try. Perhaps we should write it off as the cost of doing business. That would
be the business approach to throwing that much money down the toilet.
Possibly there is a
lesson to be learned from Speaker Wright’s experience. Maybe we can find another area where this “slick,
shallow public-relations approach with its nauseating emphasis on ‘image’ at the
expense of substance” is actually causing the nation more harm than good.
Whatever the cost of
addressing global warming—and I’m not a scientist, so I am going to defer to
the scientist on this one—wouldn’t it be better, and cheaper, to act now rather
than later. As with campaign finance reform, the cost of doing nothing far
exceeds the price of doing something in a timely manner.
For that matter, wouldn’t it be better to approach every problem facing our nation this way: immigration reform, rebuilding our infra-structure, addressing student debt, and yes, improving Obamacare instead of continually trying to dismantle it. Our politicians talks about American exceptionalism, but everything they do speaks to mediocrity.
It's time for them to embrace that ‘can-do’ spirit they are always talking about—the
one our forefathers had, which they seem to lack? With all the problems facing
our nation and the world, wouldn’t this be a good time to do
something—something besides giving the people that are buying our elections a
tax break?
If they did this, and I
know it is a big if, but if they did, maybe, just maybe politicians wouldn’t
have to spend a billion dollars telling us what a good job they do.